
Around here, in the Pacific Northwest, the locals are kicking off boots, peeling out of their Pendleton swaddling and tilting their beards skyward. Sunshine? Is that you…? Transient, warm puffs of air have been coaxing buds, birdies, arms, legs and boobs out into the open for the last week or so, and it’s delicious. Everybody’s horny for some vitamin D and smiley weather. Springtime. Bring it.

What’s it like where you are?


Storm and Le Bonheur want your face.

Tuesday 4/1 REGATTA BAR, Cambridge, Mass :: GET TICKETS

Wednesday 4/2 JOE’S PUB, New York, New York :: GET TICKETS

Tuesday 4/8 MUSIC BOX@Detroit Symphony Hall, Detroit MI :: GET TICKETS


Saturday 4/12 GASLIGHT THEATER, St. Louis, MO :: GET TICKETS

Sunday 4/13 DAKOTA JAZZ CLUB, Minneapolis, MN :: GET TICKETS

Wednesday 4/16 SPACE, Evanston, IL :: GET TICKETS


Friday 4/18 THE SMITH CENTER, Las Vegas, NV :: GET TICKETS

Sunday 4/20 LARGO AT THE CORONET, Los Angeles, CA :: GET TICKETS

So much to smile about.
See you out there.


Photo by Laura Domela www.domela.com

31 thoughts on “SPRING FEVER… WHAT??!!”

  1. Marie-Claude from Montreal !

    Hi Storm!
    Full winter here too, which is quite normal at this time of year in Montreal, QC, Canada. Although… it is colder than usually for March, but it will make the springtime even more appreciated! ;-D
    I wish you’d come in Montreal!
    I went to see you in Ottawa some years ago; of course a fantastic show, as you are a fantastic singer-performer! Even got a picture of you and me after a short chat with you; thanks!
    Take good care and enjoy the sunshine when it comes around!

  2. Hey Storm…Evanston why don’t you come a little north to like Madison Wisconsin. I would love to be able to see you live. It is starting to get warm here and the lakes are beautiful. Best of luck with your tour.

  3. Matt Adragna Fucken Maine

    As cold as a well diggers Ass….. What the what Cold….. Freggen Freezing Cold….
    See you In Cambridge Yuppy Town and Harvard Snobs

  4. Bruce Sylvester

    In West Palm Beach where the HEAT has drifted away today and brought the nice tonic of a Portlandia cool…”Nice” if you aren’t here to bake-brown. Heading to Vienna tomorrow and Hungarian countryside home, expecting to see first flowers soon and tree buds…Semi-Von Trapp (!!!) foothills of the Alps, Austro-Hungarian borderland. Love to hear that the “volk “are peering out curtained Portland houses toward intimations of Spring…..Soon the roses :)

  5. Hey Storm,
    Like something out of “Flash Gordon”. I’m here in Boston but it’s New England all right. Yesterday snowed a bit. Today its in the 40’s ( but feels coldah), tomorrow it is supposed to be close to..if not 50! What the Fred Sanford?! Btw, can’t afford to see your show but do you hang out afterwards, would love to meet you and say hi, buy you a drink, etc. of possible. If not, have a great show. I’m show your show will be wicked awesome at the Regattta Bah.( Yes. “It is pronounced, “bah” and you know it.)

  6. Hi Storm ~ It’s pretty much the same out here in Boring. The blueberries are budding out all over. We should have another nice crop this year. Your new picture is precious. Keep having fun!

  7. Simon G1967 (@sijazz)

    Hi Storm,

    Spring keeps trying to break out here in the UK, still quite cold at the moment though, give us another month and it might improve! Sy xxx

  8. Storm, spring is in the air and I feel it’s a good time to reveal that (like many Los Angeleno’s who caught your show at Molly Malone’s years ago) you’ve been my secret crush since I first heard you sing. I’ve been waiting too long for your return to LA and a chance to catch you again and now I see you arrive the day I leave for a six month gig. Alas, fate can be cruel, but I continue to enjoy your presence on line :-)

  9. Hey Storm. Spring is here for sure. 80 degrees this weekend in Las Vegas. So looking forward to your show in April at The Smith Center.

  10. Hey Storm! Come home to Portland!! Hang out here….we breathe you in at your concerts and the Portland rain doesn’t seem as wet. And then you are gone waaaay too long for your home groupies! We need your spirit Here. Not that we are selfish or anything…but face it you are adored here … When will you be back? Enjoy the road but hurry home. We miss you.

  11. Stemmer Thirtyfour

    You should consider playing in Ct. Lots of rock fans, some cool venues , why not? I think that would be very Lady-like!!! :)

  12. Brian Mcallister

    Hi Storm;
    We’ things seem to be moving a little faster there. We are still in the cold of winter here in Ottawa. Great to hear that things are continuing to rock in the right direction for you. Met a number of yrs back in Ottawa. Always a fan . Please get back to Canada (Ottawa in particular) ASAP.
    Cheers from the last grips of the polar vortex. Plan to return during the four weeks we call summer ( July or August).
    Brian McAllister

  13. Felton, Ca… 70’s and supposed to be 80’s this weekend.
    Not enough rain this year, drought in our future…

  14. Lucky for me, endless summer here on Kauai but happy for the Portland friends for an early spring! Aloha Storm, wish you would come to Hawaii to perform!!

  15. Here in north Texas it still figuring out what it wants to do. Two weekends ago it was 82 on Saturday and and Sunday a ice storm blew through that shut schools on Monday. Was ecstatic when your tour list first posted and there was a show next door in Ft Worth. It is no longer listed. I hope that changes back. We saw you n Houston last year with Pink Martini and was really looking forward to seeing you in our part of the state.

  16. New York is still a bit cool but warming up finally after a brutal winter! Looking forward to seeing you again at Joe’s Pub.

  17. Just lurving every iota I get of you,… which of course isn’t enough,… would also lurve to see you come north of the 49th P. An yes, still got the crusty yucky ice in the shadows here too,… I just know your radiance would dispell the morning fogs, and bring on the Joyous ,… aaah yes please!!! (calgary Ab. Can.)

  18. Peter Goodchild

    Yes indeedy! Here in lil ol’ England Spring has arrived quite noisily – buds and shoots cracking open, loud chirruping from our feathered friends, the snaps and whips of washing drying on the line as the breeze catches, and faces wreathed in smiles after the battering from only just recently stormy weather. Hooray, at last – T shirts and shorts are being donned again and temperatures rising (in a nice way!) Greetings from here to you – back to enjoying life again as the sap well and truly rises……

  19. Belgium weather is a mixture of grey and green. I think this dot sized country could use a little Storm.

    If you make it to Paris, Amsterdam, or Brussels, I’m in :)


  20. Robert Sparkman

    Storm, Im from Oregon, Gold Beach / Coquille, currently residing in North Carolina… the weather SUCKS. Its 76 one day and the following day its 34. Please come to Raleigh NC soon, we’d love to see you.

  21. It’s still freezing here in MA, but we are so looking forward to seeing your show next week in Cambridge. Thanks for coming to the Boston area!! I know you’ll bring us some much needed warmth. I used to live in Mill Valley and saw you perform at the original Sweetwater many times. Always bad ass, moving and memorable. I just listened to “Angels in Gas Stations” and am so blown away…such an exquisite song. Safe travels east and see you soon!

  22. My wife and I were lucky enough to see you in Boston on our anniversary!!! The show was amazing and we had the pleasure of getting to sit with your big brother all night and hearing his absolute pride in you before the show along with a few fun stories. Again the show was amazing and we hope to be able to catch you again when you are back in the North East!!!

  23. Robin Colleen Moore

    I wish I could remember who posted the video for “8 Miles Wide” on Facebook, so I could thank them for introducing me to you and your music–last night’s show in Cambridge was amazing! (Did your brother finally give up playing “earmuffs” for your niece? It seemed as if it would be a losing battle… ;-) ) Don’t be a stranger–come back to Boston, and soon! (And, just in case you missed my Tweet: how were the cookie dough truffles, and did Jim tell you the story behind them?)

  24. Jeff Spakowski

    Good Morning Storm, thank you so much for your diamond of a show at Mix @ The Max last night. Each song, each introduction, felt like experiencing songs I love through in a whole new light.. Oh, and it was nice to finally hear someone say “fuck” at a DSO show.

  25. Patrick Shanahan

    You were a senior at High School…. I was a sophomore. Your hair was wild looking, spiked-up, un-kept and unwashed. You wore heavy black eye-liner, dressed in all black clothes, “gothic style.” You were kind of scary looking. You were very loud and theatrical. Even though you projected this mean, don’t fuck with me kind of exterior, I always knew you had a soft side. I remember thinking when Stormy grows up ,she is going to be beautiful, I could see it through your protective mask. I always quietly watched you in action, curiously from the side lines.

    I knew that you would protect the beaten down or picked on student. I knew that even though I was a dorky, shy underclassman, you had my back. I will never forget when I watched you kick the shit of Captain of the football team for picking on younger freshman. He truly got what he deserved.

    My former spouse has a mental illness. My daughter and I still struggle with her ups and downs. I know she is afraid of what will happen to herself. Will she turn out like her mother? I look forward to reading about your struggle and coming out on top.

    I am glad you found the courage to share your amazing self.

    Btw, I am also glad that you clarified that it was just a metaphor, about your vagina being 8 miles wide. Ha, ha. Keep up the good fight.

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